
March 03rd 2020

Has London lost its way? Does the London Plan go far enough?

7:00am prompt - 9:45am finish

Royal Lancaster London (Westbourne Suite)
Lancaster Terrace
W2 2TY
Tel: 020 7551 6000
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Members rate
£0.00 + VAT
Trialist / Non member rate
£0.00 + VAT
Branded Table of 10 (for members)
all places at members rate £0.00 + VAT
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Ahead of the forthcoming Mayoral elections in London, which are less than 100 days away; the next Movers & Shakers breakfast is a timely opportunity to assess housing delivery, planning and economic development across the Capital and what we need from the London Plan.

As we await the imminent response from the Government on the Mayor’s revision to the draft new London Plan (following the Planning Inspector’s recommendations), there are many concerns and unanswered questions; with much debate and unrest surrounding the Plan.

Clearly, London needs a Plan (strategic development) which fosters sustainable development, delivers homes for all and boosts employment opportunities. However, what is currently being proposed, represents a housing target that does not meet London’s housing need. So, a key question is how will London meet its housing requirements? Will the Government continue to overturn planning decisions at appeal, for significant housing schemes? Where does the power of decision-making and delivery lie? And, will by force majeure, the Mayor need to review the Metropolitan Green Belt in future iterations of his plan, to meet London’s growing housing demand.

In this powerful session, we will discuss what impact the final adopted London Plan will have? Will it go far enough? What are the implications for the Development sector? Will it work for London?

Event sponsored by


Movers & Shakers Property Breakfast Club is a membership forum (since 1996). The breakfasts, held at the Savoy, are premium level events; designed to bring together the leaders and influencers in the Real Estate Industry and the public sector. They offer the very best opportunities to collaborate, engage, share knowledge and understanding, and do business!

There is an opportunity to trial a breakfast forum before joining and Membership entitles individuals and businesses to attend the breakfast forums (at the member's rate), and also offers discounted, priority bookings at our other events!

More info

Circle of dots
Royal Lancaster London (Westbourne Suite)